Our method is definitely based on running with poles. If we include the running poles to our training, we can use them for many other exercises.
These are especially the essential running drills, characterized by a greater range of motion. When using the poles, the load of the musculoskeletal system is more complex and balanced compared to exercising without poles (part of the load is shifted from lower extremity to arms and shoulders).
Whereas Dribbling (first performed slowly on the spot, later at progressive speed forward) is suitable for practicing fundamental exchange of legs and arms, the other selected exercises additionally improve the rhythm of motion, coordination and takeoff skills. These are:
- Skipping Video – see here
- Kick-Backs Video – see here
- Straight-Leg Schuffle Video – see here
- Jump Stride Video – see here
Further, we may also use the running poles for:
- stretching exercises
- strengthening exercises
- jumping exercises
Examples of some suitable exercises with poles – see pictures: